mardi 28 août 2012

أبحاث د\ فوز كردي ، حفظها الله

- هذا البحث الذي سأضع رابطه هنا هو دليل على تفوق الأكاديميا السعودية على نظيرتها المصرية، على الأقل في العلوم النظرية الفكرية!
فأنا من المتحسرين على حال جامعات مصر ومراكز الأبحاث بها، وعلى حال الحركة الفكرية المصرية بشكل عام.. خصوصا بعد سيطرة المذاهب العلمانية والليبرالية واليسارية الهدامة على المؤسسات الثقافية الرسمية لفترة طويلة للغاية، كانت نتيجتها الطبيعية هي وضع الاضمحلال والعقم والتدهور الذي يعيشه "مثقفو مصر".

لكن توابع ثورة 2011 ستغير هذا الوضع للأفضل، كما أرجو أنا ويرجو معي آخرون كثر.
وسيتم القضاء على بقايا وفلول نظام الوزير السابق (فاروق حسني) والفطريات "الثقافية" السامة التي عششت في وزارة الثقافة وحولتها لوزارة جهل وتغريب وإباحية وأدب ركيك.
وأنا هنا أقصد - بلا مواربة - فريق (الغيطاني) و(القعيد) وأشباههما ممن يقيئون حروفا مبعثرة فيسمونها أدبا ثم يتقاضون من ميزانية الدولة مئات الآلاف كمكافأة على عبقريتهم الفذة!
ولتعلم المزيد عن كارثية الوضع عليك أن تقرأ مقالات (د\ حلمي القاعود) في جريدة الفتح الأسبوعية التي تصدرها الدعوة السلفية، وكيف يفضح هؤلاء ويكشف فساد الحركة الأدبية المزعومة، ويسخر - بحق - من ركاكة نصوصهم التي ينشرونها (برعاية الدولة للأسف!) في جرائد عفنة تمولها أموال المصريين وضرائبهم، كـ (أخبار الأدب) وغيرها.
لكن دعني لا أبتعد كثيرا عن الموضوع الرئيس. فالأمل موجود دائما وسط الظلام.. وبحث الدكتورة السعودية (فوز كردي) الذي سأذكره هنا هو مثال لهذا الأمل.

فالباحثة سبرت أغوار مبحث قلما ينتبه له الباحثون المصريون إلا من رحم ربي.. ووضعت خلاصة جهدها العقلي في صفحات مختصرة سلسة الأسلوب، وواضحة النتائج.
البحث هو (حركة العصر الجديد) New Age Movement وما يتصل بها من عقائد غريبة وافدة، تحمل للمسلمين سما في صورة شهد!

وبما أني من المهتمين بهذه المسائل كما يظهر من باقي تدويناتي، فلا عجب أن تجذبني هذه الدراسة وتثير اهتمامي وفضولي فور أن قرأت اسمها على إحدى صفحات الـ facebook
لكن الأمر لم يتوقف هنا.. فيبدو أن الباحثة السعودية مجتهدة ومن ذوات العقول النهمة التي لا تهدأ إلا بعد استيعاب المسألة الفكرية محل البحث. فقد وجدتُ لها موقعا إلكترونيا لنشر مقالاتها، بالإضافة لبحث آخر قيم يتصل بموضوع الأول، واسمه (حقيقة البرمجة اللغوية العصبية).. وقد وصلت هي فيه لنفس النتائج تقريبا التي كانت تدور - بشكل أو بآخر - في ذهني منذ فترة بخصوص الموضوع، إلا أني لم أبحث المسألة بعمق كما فعلت، واكتفيت بالانطباع الشخصي العام عن مروجي موضوع الـ NLP في البلاد العربية.

وها أنا قد مهدت لك الطريق للتعرف على البحثين، ولم يبق إلا وضع روابطهما لتحميلهما إن أردت:

اقتباس من مقدمة أحد البحثين:
هذا الكتاب "حقيقة البرمجة اللغوية العصبية" أقدمه للقراء الأفاضل بعد طول انتظار وسؤال من كثيرين رغبة في معرفة الحق والتزامه والدعوة إليه ، ومعرفة الشر وتجنبه والتحذير منه .
وهذا الكتاب يمثّل خلاصة بحث طويل واستقراء وتتبع شمل أصول الفكر ومضامينه ومخرجاته ويهدف للتعريف بنوع من أنواع الشر الغازية التي فتحت أبوابها على البشرية ووصلت إلى داخل حصون الأمة متخفية بلباس النفع والفائدة والتدريب والتطبيب ؛ فانساق وراءها كثير من العامة وانتظموا في دوراتها متدربين ، ومنهم جموع من الأخيار لاشتباهها بلباس من الحق تلبسه ، قال الإمام ابن القيم : "إنما سميت شبهة لاشتباه الحق بالباطل فيها ،فإنها تلبس الحق على جسم الباطل".
 وهذا الفكر هو ما يسمى بـ "البرمجة اللغوية العصبية" ، التي استفاض الجدل حول موضوعها بين المفتونين بها ممن تدربوا على بعض مستوياتها ، وبين المحذرين منها ، نظراً لتلبس أمرها وخفاء حقيقتها وجذورها ، مما جعل تحري حقيقتها وكشف أصل فكرها وإيضاح خطورتها ، أمراً واجباً على المختصين إحقاقاً للحق وإبطالا للباطل .
وقد يسّر الله -بفضله وكرمه- التفرغ لدراسة هذا الأمر ؛ فبذلت فيها جهدي ووقتي متتبعة أصولها في كم هائل من الكتب الفلسفية ، والمراجع العلمية ، والأبحاث التربوية والنفسية ، مستنيرة وسط ذلك كله بكتاب الله وبما شرفني الله به من التخصص في تدريس العقيدة فخرج هذا الكتاب بفضل الله متضمناً عرضاً موجزاً لحقائق الفكر الذي يكمن وراء "البرمجة اللغوية العصبية" وغيرها من أنواع الفكر العقدي الوافد الذي توالت تطبيقاته وفلسفاته في الدخول على الأمة بشكل واسع بصورة رياضات أوطرائق استشفاء أوممارسات حياتية وعلوم حيادية - أو هكذا يزعم مروجوها ويظن متبعوها
 واقتباس من البحث الآخر:
هذه الدراسة تتناول حركة "العصر الجديد" (New Age Movement) وهي حركة كبرى من الحركات الباطنية المعاصرة تجاوز أتباعها في الغرب الملايين وتخطت حدود محاضنها في أمريكا وأوربا إلى أنحاء العالم ومنه بلاد الإسلام، ويتبنى أعداد من أبناء الأمة اليوم نشر برامجها والتدريب على منهجها بعد أن اغتروا بظاهرها التطويري والاستشفائي، وجهلوا أو غفلوا عن باطنها العقائدي الخطير، ومما زاد الطين بلة أن بدأ هؤلاء يلفقون بين فلسفتها وتطبيقاتها، ونصوص الكتاب والسنة فكرروا بذلك صنيع بعض فلاسفة المسلمين من قبل عندما لفقوا بين الفلسفة والدين فضلوا وأضلوا

jeudi 23 août 2012

Thomas Paine - Origin of Free-Masonry

"The Christian religion and Masonry have one and the same common origin: both are derived from the worship of the Sun." Thomas Paine

IT is always understood that Free-Masons have a secret which they carefully conceal; but from every thing that can be collected from their own accounts of Masonry, their real secret is no other than their origin, which but few of them understand; and those who do, envelope it in mystery.

The Society of Masons are distinguished into three classes or degrees. 1st. The Entered Apprentice. 2d. The Fellow Craft. 3d. The Master Mason.

The Entered Apprentice knows but little more of Masonry than the use of signs and tokens, and certain steps and words by which Masons can recognize each other without being discovered by a person who is not a Mason. The Fellow Craft is not much better instructed in Masonry, than the Entered Apprentice. It is only in the Master Mason’s Lodge, that whatever knowledge remains of the origin of Masonry is preserved and concealed.

In 1730, Samuel Pritchard, member of a constituted lodge in England, published a treatise entitled Masonry Dissected; and made oath before the Lord Mayor of London that it was a true copy. "Samuel Pritchard maketh oath that the copy hereunto annexed is a true and genuine copy in every particular." In his work he has given the catechism or examination, in question and answer, of the Apprentices, the Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason. There was no difficulty in doing this, as it is mere form.

In his introduction he says, the original institution of Masonry consisted in the foundation of the liberal arts and sciences, but more especially in Geometry, for at the building of the tower of Babel, the art and mystery of Masonry was first introduced, and from thence handed down by Euclid, a worthy and excellent mathematician of the Egyptians; and he communicated it to Hiram, the Master Mason concerned in building Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem."

Besides the absurdity of deriving Masonry from the building of Babel, where, according to the story, the confusion of languages prevented the builders understanding each other, and consequently of communicating any knowledge they had, there is a glaring contradiction in point of chronology in the account he gives.

Solomon’s Temple was built and dedicated 1004 years before the christian era; and Euclid, as may be seen in the tables of chronology, lived 277 before the same era. It was therefore impossible that Euclid could communicate any thing to Hiram, since Euclid did not live till 700 years after the time of Hiram.

In 1783, Captain George Smith, inspector of the Royal Artillery Academy at Woolwich, in England, and Provincial Grand Master of Masonry for the county of Kent, published a treatise entitled, The Use and Abuse of Free-Masonry.

In his chapter of the antiquity of Masonry, he makes it to be coeval with creation, "when," says he, "the sovereign architect raised on Masonic principles the beauteous globe, and commanded the master science, Geometry, to lay the planetary world, and to regulate by its laws the whole stupendous system in just unerring proportion, rolling round the central sun."

"But," continues he, "I am not at liberty publicly to undraw the curtain, and openly to descant on this head; it is sacred, and ever will remain so; those who are honored with the trust will not reveal it, and those who are ignorant of it cannot betray it." By this last part of the phrase, Smith means the two inferior classes, the Fellow Craft and the Entered Apprentice, for he says in the next page of his work, "It is not every one that is barely initiated into Free-Masonry that is entrusted with all the mysteries thereto belonging; they are not attainable as things of course, nor by every capacity."

The learned, but unfortunate Doctor Dodd, Grand Chaplain of Masonry, in his oration at the dedication of Free-Mason’s Hall, London, traces Masonry through a variety of stages. Masons, says he, are well informed from their own private and interior records that the building of Solomon’s Temple is an important era, from whence they derive many mysteries of their art. "Now (says he,) be it remembered that this great event took place above 1000 years before the Christian era, and consequently more than a century before Homer, the first of the Grecian Poets, wrote; and above five centuries before Pythagoras brought from the east his sublime system of truly masonic instruction to illuminate our western world. But, remote as this period is, we date not from thence the commencement of our art. For though it might owe to the wise and glorious King of Israel some of its many mystic forms and hieroglyphic ceremonies, yet certainly the art itself is coeval with man, the great subject of it. "We trace," continues he, "its footsteps in the most distant, the most remote ages and nations of the world. We find it among the first and most celebrated civilizers of the East. We deduce it regularly from the first astronomers on the plains of Chaldea, to the wise and mystic kings and priests of Egypt, the sages of Greece, and the philosophers of Rome."

From these reports and declarations of Masons of the highest order in the institution, we see that Masonry, without publicly declaring so, lays claim to some divine communication from the creator, in a manner different from, and unconnected with, the book which the christians call the bible; and the natural result from this is, that Masonry is derived from some very ancient religion, wholly independent of and unconnected with that book.

To come then at once to the point, Masonry (as I shall show from the customs, ceremonies, hieroglyphics, and chronology of Masonry) is derived and is the remains of the religion of the ancient Druids; who, like the Magi of Persia and the Priests of Heliopolis in Egypt, were Priests of the Sun. They paid worship to this great luminary, as the great visible agent of a great invisible first cause whom they styled " Time without limits." [NOTE: Zarvan-Akarana. This personification of Boundless Time, though a part of Parsee Theology, seems to be a later monotheistic dogma, based on perversions of the Zendavesta. See Haug’s "Religion of the Parsees." — Editor.]

The christian religion and Masonry have one and the same common origin: both are derived from the worship of the Sun. The difference between their origin is, that the christian religion is a parody on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same adoration which was originally paid to the Sun, as I have shown in the chapter on the origin of the Christian religion. [NOTE: Referring to an unpublished portion of the work of which this chapter forms a part. — American Editor, 1819 [This paragraph is omitted from the pamphlet copyrighted by Madame Bonneville in 1810, as also is the last sentence of the next paragraph. — Editor.]

In Masonry many of the ceremonies of the Druids are preserved in their original state, at least without any parody. With them the Sun is still the Sun; and his image, in the form of the sun is the great emblematical ornament of Masonic Lodges and Masonic dresses. It is the central figure on their aprons, and they wear it also pendant on the breast in their lodges, and in their processions. It has the figure of a man, as at the head of the sun, as Christ is always represented.

At what period of antiquity, or in what nation, this religion was first established, is lost in the labyrinth of unrecorded time. It is generally ascribed to the ancient Egyptians, the Babylonians and Chaldeans, and reduced afterwards to a system regulated by the apparent progress of the sun through the twelve signs of Zodiac by Zoroaster the law giver of Persia, from whence Pythagoras brought it into Greece. It is to these matters Dr. Dodd refers in the passage already quoted from his oration.

The worship of the Sun as the great visible agent of a great invisible first cause, "Time without limits," spread itself over a considerable part of Asia and Africa, from thence to Greece and Rome, through all ancient Gaul, and into Britain and Ireland.

Smith, in his chapter on the antiquity of Masonry in Britain, says, that "notwithstanding the obscurity which envelopes Masonic history in that country, various circumstances contribute to prove that Free-Masonry was introduced into Britain about 1030 Years before Christ." It cannot be Masonry in its present state that Smith here alludes to. The Druids flourished in Britain at the period he speaks of, and it is from them that Masonry is descended. Smith has put the child in the place of the parent.

It sometimes happens, as well in writing as in conversation, that a person lets slip an expression that serves to unravel what he intends to conceal, and this is the case with Smith, for in the same chapter he says, "The Druids, when they committed any thing to writing, used the Greek alphabet, and I am bold to assert that the most perfect remains of the Druids' rites and ceremonies are preserved in the customs and ceremonies of the Masons that are to be found existing among mankind." "My brethren" says he, "may be able to trace them with greater exactness than I am at liberty to explain to the public."

This is a confession from a Master Mason, without intending it to be so understood by the public, that Masonry is the remains of the religion of the Druids; the reasons for the Masons keeping this a secret I shall explain in the course of this work.

As the study and contemplation of the Creator [is] in the works of the creation, the Sun, as the great visible agent of that Being, was the visible object of the adoration of Druids; all their religious rites and ceremonies had reference to the apparent progress of the Sun through the twelve signs of the Zodiac, and his influence upon the earth. The Masons adopt the same practices. The roof of their Temples or Lodges is ornamented with a Sun, and the floor is a representation of the variegated face of the earth either by carpeting or Mosaic work.

Free Masons Hall, in Great Queen-street, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, is a magnificent building, and cost upwards of 12,000 pounds sterling. Smith, in speaking of this building, says (page 152,) "The roof of this magnificent Hall is in all probability the highest piece of finished architecture in Europe. In the center of this roof, a most resplendent Sun is represented in burnished gold, surrounded with the twelve signs of the Zodiac, with their respective characters;







After giving this description, he says, "The emblematical meaning of the Sun is well known to the enlightened and inquisitive Free-Mason; and as the real Sun is situated in the center of the universe, so the emblematical Sun is the center of real Masonry. We all know (continues he) that the Sun is the fountain of light, the source of the seasons, the cause of the vicissitudes of day and night, the parent of vegetation, the friend of man; hence the scientific Free-Mason only knows the reason why the Sun is placed in the center of this beautiful hall."

The Masons, in order to protect themselves from the persecution of the christian church, have always spoken in a mystical manner of the figure of the Sun in their Lodges, or, like the astronomer Lalande, who is a Mason, been silent upon the subject. It is their secret, especially in Catholic countries, because the figure of the Sun is the expressive criterion that denotes they are descended from the Druids, and that wise, elegant, philosophical religion, was the faith opposite to the faith of the gloomy Christian church. [NOTE: This sentence is omitted in Madame Bonneville’s publication. — Editor.]

The Lodges of the Masons, if built for the purpose, are constructed in a manner to correspond with the apparent motion of the Sun. They are situated East and West. [NOTE: The Freemason’s Hall in London, which Paine has correctly described, is situated North and South, the exigencies of the space having been too strong for Masonic orthodoxy. Though nominally eastward the Master stands at the South. — Editor.] The master’s place is always in the East. In the examination of an Entered Apprentice, the Master, among many other questions, asks him,

Q: How is the lodge situated?
A: East and West.
Q: Why so?
A: Because all churches and chapels are, or ought to be so.

This answer, which is mere catechismal form, is not an answer to the question. It does no more than remove the question a point further, which is, why ought all churches and chapels to be so? But as the Entered Apprentice is not initiated into the druidical mysteries of Masonry, he is not asked any questions a direct answer to which would lead thereto.

Q: Where stands your Master?
A: In the East.
Q: Why so?
A: As the Sun rises in the East and opens the day, so the Master stands in the East, (with his right hand upon his left breast, being a sign, and the square about his neck,) to open the Lodge, and set his men at work.

Q: Where stand your Wardens?
A: In the West.
Q: What is their business?
A: As the Sun sets in the West to close the day, so the Wardens stand in the West, (with their right hands upon their left breasts, being a sign, and the level and plumb rule about their necks,) to close the Lodge, and dismiss the men from labor, paying them their wages.

Here the name of the Sun is mentioned, but it is proper to observe that in this place it has reference only to labor or to the time of labor, and not to any religious druidical rite or ceremony, as it would have with respect to the situation of Lodges East and West. I have already observed in the chapter on the origin of the christian religion, that the situation of churches East and West is taken from the worship of the Sun, which rises in the east, and has not the least reference to the person called Jesus Christ. The christians never bury their dead on the North side of a church; [NOTE: In many parts of Northern Europe the North was supposed to be the region of demons. Executed criminals were buried on the north side of churches. — Editor.] and a Mason’s Lodge always has, or is supposed to have, three windows which are called fixed lights, to distinguish them from the moveable lights of the Sun and the Moon. The Master asks the Entered Apprentice,

Q: How are they (the fixed lights) situated?
A: East, West, and South.
Q: What are their uses?
A: To light the men to and from their work.
Q: Why are there no lights in the North?
A: Because the Sun darts no rays from thence.

This, among numerous other instances, shows that the christian religion and Masonry have one and the same common origin, the ancient worship of the Sun.

The high festival of the Masons is on the day they call St. John’s day; but every enlightened Mason must know that holding their festival on this day has no reference to the person called St. John, and that it is only to disguise the true cause of holding it on this day, that they call the day by that name. As there were Masons, or at least Druids, many centuries before the time of St. John, if such person ever existed, the holding their festival on this day must refer to some cause totally unconnected with John.

The case is, that the day called St. John’s day, is the 24th of June, and is what is called Midsummer-day. The sun is then arrived at the summer solstice; and, with respect to his meridional altitude, or height at high noon, appears for some days to be of the same height. The astronomical longest day, like the shortest day, is not every year, on account of leap year, on the same numerical day, and therefore the 24th of June is always taken for Midsummer-day; and it is in honor of the sun, which has then arrived at his greatest height in our hemisphere, and not any thing with respect to St. John, that this annual festival of the Masons, taken from the Druids, is celebrated on Midsummer-day.

Customs will often outlive the remembrance of their origin, and this is the case with respect to a custom still practiced in Ireland, where the Druids flourished at the time they flourished in Britain. On the eve of Saint John’s day, that is, on the eve of Midsummer-day, the Irish light fires on the tops of the hills. This can have no reference to St. John; but it has emblematical reference to the sun, which on that day is at his highest summer elevation, and might in common language be said to have arrived at the top of the hill.

As to what Masons, and books of Masonry, tell us of Solomon’s Temple at Jerusalem, it is no wise improbable that some Masonic ceremonies may have been derived from the building of that temple, for the worship of the Sun was in practice many centuries before the Temple existed, or before the Israelites came out of Egypt. And we learn from the history of the Jewish Kings, 2 Kings xxii. xxiii. that the worship of the Sun was performed by the Jews in that Temple. It is, however, much to be doubted if it was done with the same scientific purity and religious morality with which it was performed by the Druids, who, by all accounts that historically remain of them, were a wise, learned, and moral class of men. The Jews, on the contrary, were ignorant of astronomy, and of science in general, and if a religion founded upon astronomy fell into their hands, it is almost certain it would be corrupted. We do not read in the history of the Jews, whether in the Bible or elsewhere, that they were the inventors or the improvers of any one art or science. Even in the building of this temple, the Jews did not know how to square and frame the timber for beginning and carrying on the work, and Solomon was obliged to send to Hiram, King of Tyre (Zidon) to procure workmen; "for thou knowest, (says Solomon to Hiram, i Kings v. 6.) that there is not among us any that can skill to hew timber like unto the Zidonians." This temple was more properly Hiram’s Temple than Solomon’s, and if the Masons derive any thing from the building of it, they owe it to the Zidonians and not to the Jews. — But to return to the worship of the Sun in this Temple.

It is said, 2 Kings xxiii. 5, "And [king Josiah] put down all the idolatrous priests ... that burned incense unto ... the sun, the moon, the planets, and all the host of heaven." And it is said at the 11th verse: "And he took away the horses that the kings of Judah had given to the Sun, at the entering in of the house of the Lord, ... and burned the chariots of the Sun with fire"; verse 13, "And the high places that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had builded for Ashtoreth, the abomination of the Zidonians" (the very people that built the temple) "did the king defile."

Besides these things, the description that Josephus gives of the decorations of this Temple, resembles on a large scale those of a Mason’s Lodge. He says that the distribution of the several parts of the Temple of the Jews represented all nature, particularly the parts most apparent of it, as the sun, the moon, the planets, the zodiac, the earth, the elements; and that the system of the world was retraced there by numerous ingenious emblems. These, in all probability, are, what Josiah, in his ignorance, calls the abominations of the Zidonians. [NOTE by PAINE: Smith, in speaking of a Lodge, says, when the Lodge is revealed to an entering Mason, it discovers to him a representation of the World; in which, from the wonders of nature, we are led to contemplate her great original, and worship him from his mighty works; and we are thereby also moved to exercise those moral and social virtues which become mankind as the servants of the great Architect of the world. — Author.] Every thing, however, drawn from this Temple [NOTE by PAINE: It may not be improper here to observe, that the law called the law of Moses could not have been in existence at the time of building this Temple. Here is the likeness of things in heaven above and in earth beneath. And we read in I Kings vi., vii., that Solomon made cherubs and cherubims, that he carved all the walls of the house round about with cherubims, and palm-trees, and open flowers, and that he made a molten sea, placed on twelve oxen, and the ledges of it were ornamented with lions, oxen, and cherubims: all this is contrary to the law called the law of Moses. — Author.] and applied to Masonry, still refers to the worship of the Sun, however corrupted or misunderstood by the Jews, and consequently to the religion of the Druids.

Another circumstance, which shows that Masonry is derived from some ancient system, prior to and unconnected with the christian religion, is the chronology, or method of counting time, used by the Masons in the records of their Lodges. They make no use of what is called the christian era; and they reckon their months numerically, as the ancient Egyptians did, and as the Quakers do now. I have by me, a record of a French Lodge, at the time the late Duke of Orleans, then Duke de Chartres, was Grand Master of Masonry in France. It begins as follows: "Le trentieme jour du sixieme mois de l'an de la V.L. cinq mille sept cent soixante treize;" that is, the thirteenth day of the sixth month of the year of the Venerable Lodge, five thousand seven hundred and seventy-three. By what I observe in English books of Masonry, the English Masons use the initials A.L. and not V.L. By A.L. they mean in the year of Light, as the Christians by A.D. mean in the year of our Lord. But A.L. like V.L. refers to the same chronological era, that is, to the supposed time of the creation. [NOTE: V.L. are the initials of Vraie Lumiere, true light; and A.L. of Anne Lucis, in the year of light. This and the three preceding sentences (of the text) are suppressed in Madame Bonneville’s pamphlet, 1810. — Editor.] In the chapter on the origin of the Christian religion, I have shown that the Cosmogony, that is, the account of the creation with which the book of Genesis opens, has been taken and mutilated from the Zend-Avesta of Zoroaster, and was fixed as a preface to the Bible after the Jews returned from captivity in Babylon, and that the Robbins of the Jews do not hold their account in Genesis to be a fact, but mere allegory. The six thousand years in the Zend-Avesta, is changed or interpolated into six days in the account of Genesis. The Masons appear to have chosen the same period, and perhaps to avoid the suspicion and persecution of the Church, have adopted the era of the world, as the era of Masonry. The V.L. of the French, and A.L. of the English Mason, answer to the A.M. Anno Mundi, or year of the world.

Though the Masons have taken many of their ceremonies and hieroglyphics from the ancient Egyptians, it is certain they have not taken their chronology from thence. If they had, the church would soon have sent them to the stake; as the chronology of the Egyptians, like that of the Chinese, goes many thousand years beyond the Bible chronology.

The religion of the Druids, as before said, was the same as the religion of the ancient Egyptians. The priests of Egypt were the professors and teachers of science, and were styled priests of Heliopolis, that is, of the City of the Sun. The Druids in Europe, who were the same order of men, have their name from the Teutonic or ancient German language; the German being anciently called Teutones. The word Druid signifies a wise man. [NOTE: German drud, wizard. Cf. Milton’s line: "The star-led wizards haste with odours sweet." The word Druid has also been derived from Greek ####;, an oak; Celtic 'deru,' an oak and 'ndd,' lord; British 'deruidhon,' very wise men; Heb. 'derussim,' contemplators; etc. — Editor.] In Persia they were called Magi, which signifies the same thing.

Egypt," says Smith, "from whence we derive many of our mysteries, has always borne a distinguished rank in history, and was once celebrated above all others for its antiquities, learning, opulence, and fertility. In their system, their principal hero- gods, Osiris and Isis, theologically represented the Supreme Being and universal Nature; and physically the two great celestial luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, by whose influence all nature was actuated." "The experienced brethren of the society, [says Smith in a note to this passage] are well informed what affinity these symbols bear to Masonry, and why they are used in all Masonic Lodges." In speaking of the apparel of the Masons in their Lodges, part of which, as we see in their public processions, is a white leather apron, he says, "the Druids were apparelled in white at the time of their sacrifices and solemn offices. The Egyptian priests of Osiris wore snow-white cotton. The Grecian and most other priests wore white garments. As Masons, we regard the principles of those 'who were the first worshipers of the true God,' imitate their apparel, and assume the badge of innocence."

"The Egyptians," continues Smith, "in the earliest ages constituted a great number of Lodges, but with assiduous care kept their secrets of Masonry from all strangers. These secrets have been imperfectly handed down to us by oral tradition only, and ought to be kept undiscovered to the laborers, craftsmen, and apprentices, till by good behavior and long study they become better acquainted in geometry and the liberal arts, and thereby qualified for Masters and Wardens, which is seldom or never the case with English Masons."

Under the head of Free-Masonry, written by the astronomer Lalande, in the French Encyclopedia, I expected from his great knowledge in astronomy, to have found much information on the origin of Masonry; for what connection can there be between any institution and the Sun and twelve signs of the Zodiac, if there be not something in that institution, or in its origin, that has reference to astronomy? Every thing used as an hieroglyphic has reference to the subject and purpose for which it is used; and we are not to suppose the Free-Masons, among whom are many very learned and scientific men, to be such idiots as to make use of astronomical signs without some astronomical purpose. But I was much disappointed in my expectation from Lalande. In speaking of the origin of Masonry, he says, "L'orgine de la maconnerie se Perd, comme tant d'autres, dans l'obscurite des termps;" That is, the origin of Masonry, like many others, loses itself in the obscurity of time. When I came to this expression, I supposed Lalande a Mason, and on enquiry found he was. This passing over saved him from the embarrassment which Masons are under respecting the disclosure of their origin, and which they are sworn to conceal. There is a society of Masons in Dublin who take the name of Druids; these Masons must be supposed to have a reason for taking that name.

I come now to speak of the cause of secrecy used by the Masons.

The natural source of secrecy is fear. When any new religion over-runs a former religion, the professors of the new become the persecutors of the old. We see this in all instances that history brings before us. When Hilkiah the priest and Shaphan the scribe, in the reign of King Josiah, found, or pretended to find, the law, called the law of Moses, a thousand years after the time of Moses, (and it does not appear from 2 Kings, xxii., xxiii., that such a law was ever practiced or known before the time of Josiah), he established that law as a national religion, and put all the priests of the Sun to death. When the christian religion over-ran the Jewish religion, the Jews were the continual subject of persecution in all christian countries. When the Protestant religion in England over-ran the Roman Catholic religion, it was made death for a Catholic priest to be found in England. As this has been the case in all the instances we have any knowledge of, we are obliged to admit it with respect to the case in question, and that when the christian religion over-ran the religion of the Druids in Italy, ancient Gaul, Britain, and Ireland, the Druids became the subject of persecution. This would naturally and necessarily oblige such of them as remained attached to their original religion to meet in secret, and under the strongest injunctions of secrecy. Their safety depended upon it. A false brother might expose the lives of many of them to destruction; and from the remains of the religion of the Druids, thus preserved, arose the institution which, to avoid the name of Druid, took that of Mason, and practiced under this new name the rites and ceremonies of Druids.


فشل الاقتصاد المصري: عقم الأفكار وانعدام التخطيط

بمناسبة الخطوة الكارثية التي ستقدم عليها الحكومة المصرية باقتراضها من صندوق النقد الدولي IMF كحل مؤقت للانهيار الموشك للبنية الاقتصادية للدولة ولسد العجز أمام المطالب الشعبية المستمرة برؤية تحسن سريع للأوضاع.. أقتبس لكم هذا المقال. (بالإنجليزية)
المقال صريح وأحزنني للغاية!.. فالأستاذ الجامعي (ها جون تشانج) يقارن بين الاقتصاد الكوري الجنوبي والاقتصاد المصري.. بدأ الاثنان في وقت متقارب وبموارد متشابهة، لكن النتيجة بعد 50 سنة تختلف تماما!
الرجل واضح في تحليله للمشكلة وتقديمه للحلول. وخلاصتها أن الحل داخلي وليس بالاعتماد على القروض الخارجية والخطط الاقتصادية الجاهزة القادمة من البنك الدولي والأمم المتحدة وغيرهما.
أقترح ترجمة بعض الجمل المفيدة من المقال ونشرها على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي لمن يريد فهم المسألة ولا يرغب في قراءة الحوار بأكمله.

You co-wrote a paper entitled “Industrial Policy and the Role of the State in Egypt” which outlined an alternative development policy, comparing Egypt to the East Asian experience, can you tell us a little about your vision at the time?

“We wrote it in 1995/4, it was a time when they [the IMF] were accelerating liberalization and privatization. We felt that in a relatively closed economy like what Egypt was before, liberalizing and opening can bring some benefits because you have more competition and foreign exchanges and so on. But we were worried that this brought, at best, short-term benefits. You really need a long-term strategy to take your country to another level. Back in the early 60s Korea and Egypt had similar levels of income, two of the poorest countries in the world. Today Egypt still is a poor country, with a per capita income of $2000 compared to South Korea’s $20,000. So, what happened during those 50 years that made such a huge a difference is an important question. Of course, there were problems with the earlier economic strategy under Nasser. In my view, it was too closed – but, liberalising everything without any strategy and privatising, without any clear view of what should be done was not a very promising strategy. Unfortunately we have been proven right in that sense because they’ve done a lot of things since the 90s, but where did it end up?”

The IMF recognises that, although growth rates remained stable after further economic reforms in 2004, and, during the world financial crisis – unemployment and poverty persisted…

“To me, it is basically the lack of a coherent growth strategy, especially the lack of a coherent industrial policy, that has led to this situation. Egypt is not one of those very poor African countries where they start with 7 people with university degrees in the whole country or with a literacy rate of 20%. You know, it was, still is, a country with a long tradition of education and high quality human capital, you have world class people with degrees in engineering and economics and so on. It’s not because they started with such poor conditions that they couldn’t do what South Korea did. There were probably a lot of people in the 60s that thought that Egypt had better prospects than South Korea.”

There is much talk, including from the IMF, about Egypt’s mounting budget deficit. Now, looking at Greece, how likely are we to see European style spending cuts and austerity?

“Worrying, isn’t it. I mean in Europe as well. What people need to see is that a budget deficit has two elements; it is a gap between your spending and your revenue. So, why can’t you reduce it by increasing your revenue? The best way to do it is by generating growth.  This is the critical failure of so-called austerity economics, they only look at one side of the equation, they have to look at the other part. Very often when you have a large budget deficit problem like in Greece, actually cutting spending might reduce your revenue – in the sense that it kills your growth and reduces tax revenue. It reduces the yearly budget deficit a bit, but, in the long run, since you’re not growing and all these debts are collecting interest, your debt to GDP ratio might actually rise – which has happened in Greece. Egypt should take this as an important lesson. I don’t know what the current thinking of the IMF about Egypt is; do you know what they say?”

They say that Egypt would have to reduce its budget deficit and do that by implementing VAT and a one off sales tax…

“Well yeah raising tax is an option. But the problem with VAT is that it is actually quite costly to administer because you need all the receipts, and who issues receipts in Egypt apart from the largest firms? It is a common problem in developing countries…”

Because they have a large informal sector…

“That’s right – it’s difficult to implement. They need to find some other way, implementing VAT can help but it will not be the main solution. More importantly once again look at the denominator, how do you increase growth and so on. Also, this idea that somehow the budget should be balanced every year is quite idiotic. Because, if you balance your budget every year, why not every quarter, every month or every day? That is absurd. You want to balance your budget over economic cycles.”

In your work, you draw many lessons from economic history, particularly with regards to protectionism. Egypt lost its competitive edge in the production of cotton partly due to global prices that were brought down by huge subsidies given to American cotton farmers…

“Yes. I still remember, 6 or 7 years ago, I was in a meeting organised by former US president Jimmy Carter. He said his neighbour was a cotton farmer – he himself used to be a peanut farmer – but, this guy, the previous year, got $1 million just for subsidies. In situations like this, how do you compete? But, the more important point is that Egypt, yes, has one of the best quality cottons, but they somehow fail to make the best clothes or fashion. They need to find a way to add value to their cotton, especially when they already have that reputation of “the best cotton in the world”. Why not try to build a series of industries from cotton textile to fashion industry?”

Would that kind of industry model work well for Egypt? They have a lot of micro enterprises but these don’t seem to have linkages to medium and large firms…

“Yes, that’s the trouble with micro farms, they might do some interesting things but the trouble is entering, especially entering markets that will give them good value for their products, particularly export markets, is very costly. They need to work with bigger firms to be able to export for example, or to engage in research and development. This is how all the small firms, producing furniture and designer clothes in Italy, have developed. Something like agricultural co-operatives, that are independent companies, who pool some amount of resources to have this co-operative organisation engaged in export marketing, market research, a bit of R&D and so on.
In the end, these micro enterprises – most of which are just survivor strategies – need to be upgraded if they are going to become the source of productive growth. To put it bluntly, what in the end distinguishes countries like Vietnam or Ecuador from say Germany or the US, is not that Germans have more people with Engineering degrees and the Americans have more Phds. But that, the Germans have their Volkswagen and Benz, and Americans have Boeing. It’s not enough to have this raw entrepreneurial energy, which is being exploited, both in a good and bad sense, through this micro enterprise system. They need more than that, they need a bigger economic system to work and upgrade them.”

Do you think this is currently achievable given the current economic climate and restrictions by the IMF on economic policy and so on?

“It’s tough, but it’s not as though there were no restrictions in the 1960s and 70s when countries like South Korea were trying to do this. But yes, there are more restrictions on what kind of subsidies you can use and what kind of protectionist policies you can use, so it’s tougher. On the other hand, you now have more experiences to learn from because you’re starting late.
One point that I may emphasise in this context is that they really need to look at other experiences. As I keep telling my students, life is often stranger than fiction. Think about Singapore, if you read things like the Economist magazine or the Wall Street Journal you would think that it is a model free market and free trade economy. Of course it has free market and free trade, but, you will be surprised to know that all the land is owned by the government, 85% of housing is provided by a government owned housing company, and something like 22% of GDP is produced by state owned enterprises. So I tell my students, look, if someone told you to invent a well working economic system on the basis of an economic theory, whether it’s Neo-Classical, Keynesian or Marxist. You would never be able to invent something like Singapore, because it combines elements of Marxist thinking with the most extreme free market thinking, so, what is it?
My worry is, that in countries like Egypt, with this new transition, there is a degree of impatience internally, and also, of jerking from the outside to basically capture the country before it finds its own direction. The Egyptians need to sit together, study some of these experiences and decide what direction they want to take and where they can learn lessons. Sorting this out might take two or three years, but what is two or three years compared to the next two or three centuries? Otherwise, the IMF will carry on its usual strategy and what has that given Egypt in the last 20 years? Nothing.”

Egypt is still in the process of transition and the future seems uncertain. What advice would you give to the many young people hoping for a better future?

“Well, the youth of Egypt have made this big achievement of bringing democracy to the country, so first of all Kudos to them. Now they have an even bigger task of taking the country to another level. But, you know, if you could kick out Mubarak, I’m sure that you can do a lot more! I think that the young people need to be patient, not in the sense of putting up with unemployment for years, but in the sense of really thinking through these strategies and trying to come up with a consensus behind it. I was like that too, when you’re young every month counts! But, in the grand scheme of things, it’s better to do it one year later than doing it in a rush and botching it up.”

 مقدمة المقال الحواري ومصدره

Ha-Joon Chang: In Conversation
The renowned Cambridge Economist, author of the classic work Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective was interviewed in May by Serene Richards, a freelance journalist and Universty of London LLM candidate in International Economic Law Justice and Development.

 Nestled amongst the leafy streets of Cambridge is the University’s Economics faculty. This, unassuming, 1960s building, plays host to one of the world’s leading development economists: Ha-Joon Chang. An international best selling author, Chang is no stranger to controversy, he is known for his critical analysis of economic orthodoxy and draws upon economic history in much of his work. His most recent book 23 Things They Don’t Tell You About Capitalism gallantly contributes to the ongoing critique surrounding our global economic system. In 2005 the South Korean born economist was awarded the Wassily Leontief prize for Advancing the Frontier of Economic Thought for his book “Kicking Away the Ladder”. I enter his office, quaint and amassed with books. His manner, affable and upbeat, we begin.

lundi 20 août 2012

الفيلم الوثائقي : مراوغة SPIN

هناك مشكلة قديمة ومعروفة للمثقفين العرب، وهي الفجوة الكبيرة التي تكون بين صدور أي منتج ثقافي في الغرب وصدور ترجمة عربية له تنقل فحواه للجمهور الناطق بالعربية.
والحقيقة أن المرشح السابق للرئاسة في مصر، الشيخ حازم صلاح أبو إسماعيل كان ضمن برنامجه خطة واضحة لتقليل هذه الفجوة، وحث الأكاديميين العرب وغير المتخصصين أيضا على المشاركة في ترجمة الكتب التي تصدر بلغات أجنبية إلى العربية في أقل وقت ممكن.. لكن المشروع اختفى تدريجيا بعد خروجه من السباق الرئاسي - بأوامر أمريكية صريحة لقادة مصر العسكريين وقتها!! - وإن ظلت هناك بعض الأصوات التي تنفخ الروح في مشروع مماثل، كفكرة المهندس والمبرمج والمفكر الذي أحترمه أنا كثيرا وأتابع إنتاجه منذ سنوات: محمد حمدي غانم.. لكن بالطبع دعم رئيس جمهورية لمشروع ما تختلف نتيجته عن دعم أي فرد آخر لنفس المشروع، لأننا نعيش في دولة بيروقراطية تقدس الأوامر القادمة من المنصب الأعلى ولا تنتبه لما يصدر من أفكار عن الأفراد "العاديين" من الشعب!

ما دفعني للكتابة عن هذا الأمر هنا هو أني بصدد ترجمة Subtitle لفيلم وثائقي أمريكي شبه مغمور لكنه شديد الأهمية، صدر في التسعينيات، وفضح ما يمكن تسميته بالدهاليز الإعلامية لعالم السياسة الأمريكية، وكيف يتم التلاعب بالأسئلة التي توجه للسياسيين بأسلوب يسمى (المراوغة) أو Spin حيث يلتف السياسي حول هدف السؤال ويجيب عن شيء آخر تماما، متجنبا السؤال الأصلي.. إما لأنه سيسبب له إحراجا، أو لأنه سيقلل من شعبيته عند إحدى فئات المجتمع التي يرغب في الحصول على أصواتها الإنتخابية.

لكن المثير والمميز في هذا الفيلم الوثائقي هو حصول صاحبه على كنز من المشاهد واللقطات الواقعية التي كان يتم بثها على القنوات الفضائية قبل وبعد البث الحي المباشر المعتاد. تصور مثلا أن قناة الجزيرة الفضائية لها قنوات أخرى تنقل ما يدور في الاستوديو من حوار بين المذيعين والضيوف قبل الظهور على الهواء Live وأن أحدهم تتبع هذه الحوارات وسجلها على شرائط!!.. يا لها من ثروة حقيقية.
فهذه اللحظات الأولى يكون الضيف فيها على راحته ولم يلبس قناع التصنع المعتاد أمام الجماهير، ويتكلم المذيع بأسلوب تلقائي مختلف عما تقتضيه مهنته من تصنع للحيادية والموضوعية والأدب واللباقة أمام المشاهدين!

وقد سجل صاحب الفيلم (براين سبرينجر) Brian Springer مئات الساعات من هذه المشاهد الإخبارية والحوارية التي لم تقصد الشبكات الفضائية بثها، وحفظها على شرائط فيديو كاسيت - قبل عصر التسجيل الإلكتروني والإنترنت - وكان أغلبها عام 1992 ، تلك السنة التي شهدت الحملة الإنتخابية لبيل كلينتون Bill Clinton مرشح الحزب الديمقراطي ضد بوش الأب George H. W. Bush الرئيس الجمهوري.
وشهدت السنة أيضا الفضيحة الإعلامية الشهيرة التي تم فيها تسجيل واقعة اعتداء الشرطة بلوس أنجيلوس على المواطن الأمريكي الأسود(رودني كينج) Rodney King بالضرب وما تبعها من ثورة عارمة في شوارع المدينة ونهب وسرقة وقتل وإصابة العشرات إلى أن تدخل الجيش وقمع الاضطرابات، وخرج رودني كينج نفسه باكيا يطلب من الجميع التوقف عن العنف، حتى بعد أن صدر حكم ببراءة الضباط الذين اعتدوا عليه.
وقد تمت إعادة للمحاكمة وصدرت بعد ذلك أحكام بمعاقبة اثنين من الضباط، وتعويض مالي لـ رودني كينج.

وكانت تلك السنة أيضا هي سنة "تألق" الإعلامي اليهودي لاري كينج، حيث تم استخدام برنامجه المباشر Larry King Live على قناة CNN لتوجيه الجماهير في الانتخابات بشكل ممنهج.

ويظهر الفيلم الوثائقي أيضا الوجه الخفي القبيح للحركة المسيحية المحافظة وممثلها الإعلامي في ذلك الوقت (بات روبرتسون) Pat Robertson ومدى البون الشاسع بين أسلوبه الحقيقي وأسلوبه أمام الكاميرات!

لا أريد أن "أحرق" الفيلم لمن لم يشاهده بعد، لكن هناك العديد من المشاهد الحقيقية والصادقة والطبيعية التي يجب التعليق عليها لأهميتها ولوضعها في سياقها التاريخي ليفهمها من لا يتابع السياسة الأمريكية.
الحزب الديمقراطي يميل للعلمانية والاشتراكية وتشريع الإجهاض وحقوق الشواذ
في حين أن الحزب الجمهوري يميل لاستخدام الخطاب الديني المتعصب وحقوق الأغنياء والرأسمالية والتدخل العسكري في شؤون الدول الأخرى
هذا في الظاهر.. أما في الحقيقة فالحزبان واقعان تحت سيطرة نفس النوعية من البشر الذين يتلاعبون بأتباعهم لأغراض سياسية ومالية وغيرها!

وكل من لا يخدم هذه الأجندة وهذه الأهداف يتم إخراجه من اللعبة السياسية التي تقتصر على "الكبار".. 

لا أريد أن أطيل الحديث عن الفيلم قبل إتمام ترجمته، لكن ها هي صفحته على موقع IMDB
Spin (1995) - 57 min - Documentary

وسأضع قريبا وها هو رابط ترجمة الفيلم، ملف نصي بسيط من نوعية .SRT بحيث تضعه بنفس الاسم في مجلد ملف الفيلم - الذي يمكنك تحميله من اليوتيوب - لتشاهد الوثائقي مصحوبا بترجمة عربية.
 تحميل ملف الترجمة
 مشاهدة الفيلم على اليوتيوب

وهنا رفعت الفيديو على قناتي باليوتيوب، مع إضافة خاصية إظهار الترجمة العربية المدمجة به

dimanche 12 août 2012

BBC Radio

I'm starting this blog post to list some of the most AMAZING BBC shows that I listen to.
You may find it weird for an Egyptian to be so obsessed with the British Radio, but I assure you that great writing knows no borders!.. The British sense of humor may be a little strange at first, but in this age of Globalization & Multi-culture I have no doubt that you will enjoy at least some of these Radio programs.

Usually, I download the new episodes using the fantastic free software that is (Radio Downloader) which enables you to specify what do you want to save on your hard drive.. because the BBC website deletes most of the episodes after a certain amount of time.

Old Harry's Game
Lucy Montgomery's Variety Pack
Tolkien - Lord Of The Rings - BBC (13 ep.)
The HitchHikers Guide To The Galaxy (the first 12 ep.)
John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme
The Return of Sherlock Holmes Series 1
Sherlock Holmes - His Last Bow
Classic Serial Gulliver's Travels
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
The Right Time
Another Case of Milton Jones
Grigorii Efimovich Rasputin - Almost the Truth
The Castle
Cabin Pressure
Roald Dahl - Matilda
What To Do If You're Not Like Everybody Else - Andrew Lawrence
Herge's The Adventures of Tintin
Potting On
Saturday Stand-Up
Warhorses of Letters
Drama on 3
Play of the Week - BBC Radio 4
Double Income, No Kids Yet
Hut 33
Yes Minister

vendredi 3 août 2012

Until The End - Lyrics

Until The End - Lyrics
by The Nightwatchman
حارس الليل
(Is also the introduction to the Canadian podcast: Conspiracy Cafe with George Freund)

No one knows who gave the orders
No one asks about the crime
No one looks behind the curtains
No one questions why

The only time we got
Is right about now
I cross my heart
I take the vow

I'll never turn
I'll never bend
I'm with ya now
until the end

Tonight's the test
Tonight's the time
I am the punishment
That fits the crime
I'll break the bricks
I'll pick the locks
I don't got nothing
but I'll give what I got

I'll never turn
I'll never bend
I'm with ya now
until the end

10 trials whose outcome
all fixed from the start
9 judges sitting countin'
there money in the dark
8 towers of iron
surround the desert town
on a cold December mornin'
7 martyrs knock them down
6 fathers still waiting
for there sons to come home
5 mothers who know better
and accept that they're gone
4 years I've been hunted
and still I breathe free
3 times I shot the sheriff
and did not spare the deputy
2 prayers I'm prayin'
until we're together
1 promise that I'm keeping
tonight and forever

I'll never turn
I'll never bend
I'm with ya now
until the end

jeudi 2 août 2012

How to Fight the Elite using our imagination as a weapon

If you are a REAL "conspiracy theorist" - like yours truly! -   then I have an idea for you that might be useful. You see, one of the problems that plague the Truth Movements is not being able to go “mainstream” without being forced to introduce a LOT of basic background facts about the subject in question, be it (Masonry - MKultra - Bilderberg - 9/11 - etc.) , which obviously isn’t very convenient nor practical.
The “targeted” person whom you are trying to inform & initiate into The Elite’s New World Order conspiracy won’t easily accept the whole new view you are trying to explain.. which is normal. So introducing the same information in another “medium” could be very beneficial to both of you, if this medium was something that requires less “Convincing”.

What I’m talking about here is Literature. Fictional Short Stories that present the same facts but in a way that is less threatening & less shocking to the regular person.

Just imagine a short story that depicts the real ugly hidden world of Monarch Programming & The MK-Ultra project, in a dramatic way, using characters and dialogue to spread the message in an accessible way.
A thing like that can make wonders for the whole Truth Seekers movement!

Do you remember that long fighting scene in the 80s movie called (They Live!)?.. How hard was it for the hero to convince his friend to "see" the real world as it is, and to use the "special sunglasses" that enables humans to see the real face of the Secret Society that controls our Media?!
It was hard because he took a direct approach in trying to "DeProgram" his friend out of the system. But if his approach was something different and less "in your face", things could have been easier.

So, what if some of us started a website dedicated to publishing what the readers submit, and call it something like: CONSPIRACY LITERATURE or ALTERNATE FICTION, so that anyone that has an idea would be able to write it himself or give it to other "literary minded" members to develop it?

If interested, contact me at  SalamaCast(at)yahoo(dotcom)
I'll try to write an example later.. A short story about 2 of the Handlers of a famous pop singer, discussing how to control the public damage that happened after she "snapped" out of her MK programming and tried to free herself from the persons that put her under constant surveillance, controlling her every move. I would like to use the real case of Britney Spears as a base for the story, and the extensive research of Fritz Springmeier in his books about the Illuminati Formula used to make a mind control victim!


The Illuminati are using FICTION against us. Movies & Songs are full of their Hidden Symbols and twisted concepts.
The rest of the subject on Vigilant Citizen Message Boards

((simple informative pictures on Facebook about 9/11 cover-up are being used successfully to spread the word, so the next logical step is comics.
Comix with subtle story lines that assume that the reader knows nothing but the mainstream lie, and are not too "preachy" about the alternate POV that we know.))

((Writing a story imagining, for example, the last minutes of someone trapped inside the WTC and him discovering some hidden explosives by accident DOESN'T mean to delete all the articles that present the hard facts about 9/11 from the internet!!
It is just about adding another medium to the mix, for those who refuse to read the articles!
Fiction\Stories can be used to "lure" the "target audience" into something they wouldn't typically search for.
"They" use their movies & songs to spread false views, but we will be doing the exact opposite.))

((Many years ago, here in Egypt, a famous comedy actor (Muhammad Sobhi) made a very dramatic series about the history of the British Occupation of the Arab world. It was historical, AND historic!
Many were listening for the first time to things like the Protocols of Zion and watching a semi-fictional representation of the hidden world of politics of the time.

It was controversial and the Israeli media demanded its cancellation .. The series was called (A Horseman without a horse) and it was the reason that many publishers saw it profitable to re-publish the kind of conspiracy books that no one was willing to read before!

Those 30 something episodes opened new horizons for many.. me included.
It doesn't really matter what this fictional TV series was saying, but it provided a concept that most people seem to forget when it comes to politics and the big world events: Everything is NOT what it seems!
(and I don't mean the Selena Gomez song with the same name!)

The Elite themselves know that a dramatic scene is more powerful & accessible than a detailed blog post with massive amount of facts.

That is why they hate and fear the possibility of some "outsider" with money, making movies that may counter what they feed the masses daily.
When Mel Gibson made Apacalypto (a symbolic flick about the decaying American civilization because of Greed & Lust) ALL hell opened on him and he was shunned, because he was almost independent and produced the movie out of the usual circle of media moguls!

He was "out of control" and had to be stopped.
The guy used their methods to spread an opposite message to what they usually spread. Creating this type of Alternative Literature that I talked about may become a powerful weapon against the sinister fabricated mainstream.))